Using the Developer Version of the Amyuni Document Converter

The following is a step-by-step procedure for using the developer version of the Amyuni Document Converter.

  1. Copy all distributable files to the application’s main directory.

The application’s main directory is usually where the executable file is located. The list of distributable files is as follows:


Operating Systems

Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)

Common to all versions

cdintf.dll, install.exe, acfpdf.txt, amyuni.inf,

(NNN is the version number, e.g. 650)

Windows 2000 to Windows 10 32-bits

acfpdfu.dll, acfpdfui.dll

Windows on ARM

acfpdfuARM64.dll, acfpdfuiARM64.dll, cdintfARM64.dll

Windows XP to Windows 10 64-bit, AMD 64 or Xeon-based

acfpdfuamd64.dll, acfpdfuiamd64.dll, cdintf64.dll



Windows 98/Me, NT4 and IA64 drivers have not been updated since version 2.5. These drivers are not included with the product but can be downloaded separately from:


  1. Initialize the Document Converter printer on the end-user’s system

- Method 1 (Recommended)

By launching Install.exe when the main application is installed.  Install.exe should be launched with a printer name specific to the developer’s company or application:


Install -s "My Company Printer" -n "Evaluation Developer License" -c "07ABCDA0A12301230123............


Install /s "My Company Printer" /n "Evaluation Developer License" /c "07ABCDA0A12301230123............

Command line Parameter




Run in silent mode



Do not generate a log file



Installer delete any existing log file before starting (default).



Installer will not delete any exising log file before starting



Delete the license from the .ini file after completing the installation



Install the printer to print directly to the driver rather than through the print spooler (default false)




"<Printer Name>"

Name of printer as it will appear in the list of printers.

/n "<license Name>"

-n "<license Name>"

License Name

/o "<port name>"

-o "<port name>"

Port name – install the PDF converter to a particular port.

/c "<license code>"

-c "<license code>"

Activation Code

/driver "<driver name>"

-driver "<driver name>"

The installed printer driver will have this name.

/ver "<nnn>"

-ver "<nnn>"

A version suffix to append to file installed names

/prefixSource "<ss>"

-prefixSource "<ss>"

A prefix to use when obtaining to source files from the installation package.

/prefixDest "<dd>"

-prefixDest "<dd>"

A prefix to use when generating to destination files to install on the system.


On Windows 10 x 64-bit system, if the host application is 32-bits, the 32-bit version of CDIntf650.DLL should be registered using:

%windir%\syswow64\regsvr32 CDIntf650.DLL

This is because Microsoft restricting the CDIntf.dll from being copied to the SysWOW64 directory.  Then, we suggest to handle the DLL registration in their own install routines. Typically the dll should be registered from the developer’s application main directory.


- Method 2

By calling PDFDriverInit at the initialization of the application. The documentation for PDFDriverInit provides details about how to use this function to initialize the printer and activate it.


  1. [Optional] Copy CDIntf to the system directory. CDINTF.DLL should be copied to the system directory and renamed to CDIntf650.DLL for version 6.5. This is done automatically by Install.exe and is needed only if the developer has chosen some other method for installing the printer.

  1. Register the CDIntf ActiveX. When using the ActiveX interface, the ActiveX control should be registered in the system by calling RegSvr32 from the system directory:

regsvr32 CDIntf650.DLL

CDIntf can be also used through the DLL convention without the need for registering or creating an ActiveX.

On 64-bit systems, if the host application is 32-bits, the 32-bit version of CDIntf650.DLL should be registered using:

\windows\syswow64\regsvr32 CDIntf650.DLL

This is a common problem that confuses many developers.


  1. Initialize the printer at start-up of your application. To initialize the printer, you need to call DriverInit followed by the printer name. When using method 2 outlined above to install the printer, DriverInit is replaced with PDFDriverInit.

  1. Export to the format of your choice by printing from your application. When the user chooses the export function of your application to generate a PDF or any other supported format, you need to setup the output file name using DefaultFileName, setup the file generation options using DefaultFileName (NoPrompt + UseFileName + ...) and print to the "My Company Printer" as you would do when printing to any other printer.

The developer can be in one of three situations:

  1. Restore the printer to its previous settings. When printing is over, the developer needs to call FileNameOptions (0) to prevent other applications or users from overwriting the file that has just been generated from the application.

  1. Un-initialize the printer before exiting. Before exiting the application, the DriverEnd function should be called. This function will remove the printer if installed using PDFDriverInit, otherwise it will simply disconnect from the printer.

INI File Settings

It is also possible to configure the printer from the INI file using this parameters:

PrinterName="<printer name>"  :  The installed printer will have this name.

Licensee="<license name>"  :  Assign this license name to the installed printer.

LicCode="<license code>"  :  Assign this license code to the installer printer.

PortName="<port name>"  :  Assign this printer to this port.

PrinterDriverName="<driver name>"  :  The installed printer driver will have this name.

Version="<nnn>"  :  A version suffix to append to file installed names.

DriverFilesPrefixSource="<ss>"  :  A prefix to use when obtaining to source files from the installation package.

DriverFilesPrefixDest="<dd>"  :  A prefix to use when obtaining to destination files to install on the system.

DirectPrint="<true>|<false>"  :  Install the printer to print directly to the driver rather than through the print spooler (default false).

InfFileName="<INF file name>"  :  The name of the INF file to use to install the printer driver.

CatFileName="<CAT file name>"  :  The name of the CAT file to use to install the printer driver.



Important Note for developers

To avoid confusion with other applications and with the single-user versions of the Document Converter products, developers are required to use a printer name specific to their application or company. Using the default printer names of "Amyuni Document Converter" or "Amyuni PDF Converter" is not allowed.

The activation code that is provided to you by Amyuni should be kept confidential and not be revealed explicitly to end-users, even in this case where the developer’s products are sub-licensed to other developers.